If you do, this is likely D-MER (Dysmorphic Milk Ejection Reflex). D-MER is a wave of negative emotions that sometimes occurs at the beginning of a pumping or nursing session.

Do you experience negative emotions when pumping?

The negative emotions usually begin right before a letdown and typically lasts 30-90 seconds. Common emotions reported with D-MER include sadness, anger, anxiety, irritability, dread, nervousness and/or agitation.

D-MER is thought to be caused by a sudden drop in dopamine right before a letdown. It is a physiological issue, not a psychological one.

While there are no treatments for D-MER, some things that might help include: - eating a treat when you start to pump - finding light, enjoyable distractions like a funny show - drinking water - calling a friend - taking deep, calming breaths