It's normal for breast milk to separate, with a fatty layer on top and a more watery layer underneath.

Some people worry that their top layer isn't thick enough, and that their milk isn't "fatty enough" for their baby.

Rarely, foremilk/hindmilk imbalance (too much foremilk and not enough hindmilk) can be an issue. But you need to look at your baby - not your milk - to know.

If your baby is growing well, is not extremely fussy, and does not have frequent green poop, it is likely not an issue. (However, discuss concerns with your pediatrician.)

One option if you do have foremilk/hindmilk imbalance is pump for longer. The emptier the breast, the fattier the milk.

Another is collecting all of your milk into a single container, combining the fatty and watery milk. (This is called the "pitcher method."

Much more on foremilk/hindmilk imbalance here!