What do you need in your breast pump bag?

This one might be a little too obvious - you need a breast pump and a power cord. (Especially if your pump doesn't have a battery.)

2. Breast Pump Parts and a bag

You'll obviously also need your pump parts. Pack them in a wet/dry bag or a zip-top plastic bag. Putting them together before you pack can help you make sure you don't forget a part.

A breast milk cooler can help you keep your milk cold on your commute home (or at work if you don't have a fridge there.)

3. Breast Milk Cooler

4. Hands-Free Pumping Bra

If you don't have a wearable pump or hands-free cups, you'll want a hands-free pumping bra so you don't have to hold up your pump parts while you pump.

5. Miscellaneous Items

Other items that can be helpful: lactation massager, breast pads, nipple cream, breast pump wipes, bags.

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