What legal protections do you have for pumping at work  in the U.S.?

First, there are two different "levels" of laws to consider - federal and state. Your employer must comply with all laws that apply.

The federal law is called "Break Time for Nursing Mothers" (and it was amended by the PUMP Act in 2022).  It applies to most workers, though there are a few exceptions.  Protections last one year.

Employers are required to provide the following for covered employees: 1) "Reasonable" break time to express milk (breaks do not need to be paid, unless they would otherwise be paid).

2) A place to pump that is "free from instrusion" and "shielded from view." It cannot be a bathroom.

You may have additional protections at the state level that your employer must comply with. Check the website for the breastfeeding coalition in your state (or google "pumping work laws").

For example, Illinois (where I live) has a law similar to the federal law requiring breaks and a space to pump, but it requires breaks be paid. Swipe up for more info on pumping at work laws!