Sometimes it makes sense to single pump instead of double pumping!

Sometimes it makes sense to single pump instead of double pumping!

When you have a clog on one side you're working on clearing

Sometimes it makes sense to single pump instead of double pumping!

When you have a clog on one side you're working on clearing

When you're also taking care of baby and it's easier to manage one side at a time while playing

Sometimes it makes sense to single pump instead of double pumping!

When you have a clog on one side you're working on clearing

When you're also taking care of baby and it's easier to manage one side at a time while playing

When you're going out, it can better to pack everything in a smaller bag

Most double breast pumps allow you to single pump. Some (like the Max Flow) have T-shaped tubing where you can block off one side.

Others have a little stopper than you can put over the tubing port on one side