Weaning from the Pump - Step 1

Drop pumping sessions one at a time until you are down to two sessions that are about 12 hours apart (e.g., 6am and 6pm). Only make changes to the session you're dropping.

Weaning from the Pump - Step 1

As you drop sessions, re-space your remaining sessions. If you are pumping at: 6am, 11am, 4pm, 10pm When you drop to three sessions, re-space to: 6am, 2pm, 10pm

Weaning from the Pump - Step 2

Gradually decrease the time or volume of whichever of your remaining two sessions you want to drop first.

Weaning from the Pump - Step 3

Drop the second session completely, so that you are pumping once per day.

Weaning from the Pump - Step 4

After dropping to one session, give your body a few days to adjust and catch up.

Weaning from the Pump - Step 5

Gradually drop the last pumping session by reducing the time or volume that you pump for that. session.

Weaning from the Pump - Step 6

Drop the last session completely, doing one final session 36-48 hours later. Congrats - you're done pumping!

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