What's a wet/dry bag and how can you use it as a pumping parent?

What's a wet/dry bag and how can you use it as a pumping parent?

These bags are great for transporting pump parts - both before and after you use then for pumping when you're not home (at work or on the go)

These bags are usually big enough to fit at least one set of pump parts and bottles

This one also has a zippered pocket on the front that you can use for wipes, breast pads, that kind of thing

Some bags also have staging mats that can be super useful for making sure parts stay clean when you're putting them together (and then the table/desk/surface stays clean when you're disassembling.)

You can use it other ways too - for a while, I kept my pump and pump parts at work and used a wet/dry bag to transport bottles back and forth every day. This bag is insulated like a breast milk cooler so you can just add ice packs.

One tip for packing pump parts - consider putting them together first and then putting them in the bag. This makes it less likely you'll forget your breast shields (been there) or a valve or something.