Are you stressed out about your milk supply?

Exclusive Pumping and Milk Supply

Exclusive Pumping and Milk Supply walks you through everything you need to establish your milk supply with a breast pump. Includes invaluable checklists, cheat sheets, and videos!

Worried about how much milk you're pumping? Not sure what you should try? No problem!

woman carrying baby while pumping brast milk with a hands-free pumping bra
  • Are you worried about establishing your milk supply while exclusively pumping, because you've been told a breast pump can never be as effective as a baby?
  • Are you always stressed out about pumping as much as your baby takes?
  • Or are you tired of reading advice about increasing milk supply that is written for nursing moms (like having a "nurse in")?
  • Or are you always worried that you should be doing or trying something else?

I can help you feel confident that you're pumping as much milk as possible.

While there's no magic bullet for boosting milk supply (unfortunately), you can make a plan that gets you as close to your goals as possible. This guide will help you:

  • Know how often and how long you should be pumping
  • Set yourself up for success by making sure you pump removes as much milk as possible
  • Understand everything you need to know about common methods of increasing milk supply
  • Know what to do if your supply drops
Bag of frozen breast milk with "Today was hard, but I did it" written on it

This guide will save you TONS of frustration and stress.

Exclusive Pumping and Milk Supply included components

Here's what you'll get:

  • A framework to establish your milk supply with a breast pump - what your schedule should look like, what you should try first to increase supply, and what to try if that doesn't work.
  • A checklist of what to do if your milk supply suddenly drops, so that you can identify the issue and fix it as soon as possible.
  • An overview of common emotions around low milk supply, so that you know that you're not alone and feel proud of what you're accomplishing.
  • A feeling of control and confidence that you are pumping as much as you can and doing a great job!
Get Exclusive Pumping and Milk Supply for just $17!

Want to See What's Included?

Exclusive Pumping and Milk Supply

Exclusive Pumping and Milk Supply

Easy to read on mobile! A 74 page printable guide.

  • Provides you with an overview of how milk supply works, so you understand what might happen at different phases of your pumping journey
  • Walks through what you need to troubleshoot when it comes to removing your milk with your pump
  • Reviews all the different ways to increase milk supply, and the pros and cons of each

Video Trainings

Computer showing video playing

Two short video trainings that will walk you through key concepts (12 minutes of video), including:

  • An overview of two common issues that sometimes get confused - milk removal vs. milk supply
  • How to know what you should try to increase your supply

Milk Supply Troubleshooting Checklist

Exclusive Pumping and Milk Supply Troubleshooting checklist
  • Walks you through possible issues in the order you should address them, so that you can easily see where to start
  • Helps you diagnose the cause behind a sudden drop in milk supply, so that you can fix the issue quickly
Exclusive Pumping and Milk Supply included components
Exclusive Pumping and Milk Supply Testimonial

Wahoo! Everyone loves some BONUSES!

It gets even better! When you purchase Exclusive Pumping and Milk Supply, you'll also get exclusive access to this AMAZING bonus!

BONUS: Undersupply and Exclusively Pumping

Undersupply while Exclusively Pumping

  • Walks through common concerns of moms with low milk supply, so that you can see that you're not alone
  • Reviews ways to manage these concerns and reframe them in your mind, so you can feel proud about what you're accomplishing

Total value: $64
Today's price: $17

Exclusive Pumping and Milk Supply Testimonial

About me

Amanda Glenn with three kids in a park

I’m Amanda, and I'm a Certified Lactation Counselor®. I exclusively pumped for Henry, my first baby.

When I started exclusively pumping, I had no idea what I was doing. I had to figure out a lot of it myself using trial and error.

This lack of knowledge affected my milk supply early in my exclusive pumping journey, and caused me a lot of extra hassle and stress.

After I weaned, I wanted to share what I'd learned with others! I've spent the past six years helping thousands of other pumping moms through my website,

I want to help you establish and (if necessary) increase your milk supply and feel less stress!


Q: Will anything be shipped to me?

A: No - you'll get access instantly! You'll receive an email immediately after your purchase that with a link to download Exclusive Pumping and Milk Supply and all of your bonuses.

Q: I nurse my baby. Can I use Exclusive Pumping and Milk Supply to help me increase my supply?

A: This resource is intended for moms who exclusively pump breastmilk and do not nurse their babies. Some sections may be helpful if you are struggling to pump milk, but this guide is primarily focused on exclusive pumpers and does not address nursing.

Q: How long does it take to go through Exclusive Pumping and Milk Supply?

A: You should be able to work through it in 1-2 hours.

Q: What file format does Exclusive Pumping and Milk Supply come in?

A: Most files are provided as PDFs. Some of the PDFs include links to training videos.

Q: What is your refund policy?

A: If you complete Exclusive Pumping and Milk Supply and decide it's not for you, email me within 14 days of your purchase for a full refund.

Grab Exclusive Pumping and Milk Supply now!

Exclusive Pumping and Milk Supply

One more time, here's EVERYTHING you get when you purchase Exclusive Pumping and Milk Supply!

  • A 74 page guide to establishing and increasing your milk supply while exclusively pumping - $30 Value
  • 2 video lessons on milk supply (12 minutes of video) - $17 Value
  • A 5 page checklist to help you troubleshoot and resolve issues with your milk supply - $7 Value
  • BONUS: Exclusively Pumping and Undersupply - $10 Value

Total value: $64
Today's price: $17

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