Your baby won't take your frozen milk. What's going on?

The issue is probably excess lipase - it's an enzyme that makes your milk go "off" sooner than it otherwise would.

You can scald any future milk you pump before freezing it to avoid this in the future. But what can you do about your existing freezer stash? There are a few different things that you can try.

First, you can mix your "lipase milk" with fresh milk - this may improve the taste that baby will take it. You can try mixing a bottle with half lipase milk and half fresh milk, for example. Here's a poll I did on how well this works for people:

Another option is to add a small amount of non-alcoholic vanilla to your "lipase milk" to improve the taste. (As your pediatrician for the okay first.) Here's a poll I did on how well this works for people:

Some other things that you can try are serving the milk at different temperatures (warmer than usual, but not hot) and trying milk from different timeframes.

Lipase levels fluctuate over time, so older or newer milk may taste okay.

If all else fails, you can donate the milk. Donor milk is often given to preemies via feeding tube, so the taste is not a concern.