If you’ve exclusively pumped for any length of time or achieved a new pumping skill – like pumping in public for the first time – you should be proud of yourself! These pumping awards are a fun way to celebrate.
Just download or screenshot these awards and post them to your social media or wherever you’d like. (Feel free to tag me so I can come say congratulations!)
Pumping Awards for the First Year (Months 1-12)
Lots of moms have goals to exclusively pump for a few months, six months, or a year.
Celebrate each time you meet one of these milestones in the first year! Exclusive pumping isn’t easy, and you should be proud of yourself!
Pumping Awards for Milestones
Sometimes when you do something for the first time, you feel like a total badass and want to celebrate! (I know I did the first time I managed to pump in public!)
We made these awards to mark some different things exclusive pumpers might feel proud of doing – from surviving the day to pumping for twins to donating breastmilk.
Pumping Awards for the Second Year (13-24 Months)
Some exclusive pumpers aren’t ready to stop pumping after one year, and keep going! Some moms feed only breastmilk along with solids, others might try to do one or two bottles of breastmilk a day in addition to cow’s milk and other food.
Here are some pumping awards for moms who pump from 13 months to 2 years.
You guys are all doing an awesome job! I hope these awards help you celebrate meeting your goals.