I had a great experience using fenugreek to boost my supply when I was exclusively pumping and about 4 weeks postpartum. However, it doesn’t work for everybody – here’s what you should know about fenugreek and milk supply.
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Between taking fenugreek and consistently pumping about two hours per day, I was able to get my supply up from 24oz per day to about 35oz per day in a week or so.
Below are some common questions about fenugreek usage:
What is fenugreek, exactly?
Fenugreek is an herb. Its primary uses are as an herb or spice in Indian and Persian cuisine, and as a galactagogue for breastfeeding mothers.
Wait, what is a “galactagogue”? Why would I take one?
A galactagogue is a substance (food or drug) that increases the amount of milk produced by a mammal. Thus, you would take it to increase your milk supply.
How do galactagogues increase milk supply?
Not much clinical research has been done as far as how and why different galactagogues work – especially herbal galactogogues like fenugreek and blessed thistle. Generally, they work by increasing prolactin levels. (Prolactin is the hormone that is responsible for lactation.)
Domperidone, for example, is a prescription medication galactagogue that works by blocking dopamine receptors, which prevents the inhibition of prolactin release, and thus helps increase milk supply.
Does it always work?
No. It works for some women, but not all, and not much clinical research has been done about its effectiveness.
I did an (obviously unscientific) poll on instagram, and about 19% of those that responded said that it worked for them.
Can fenugreek have the opposite effect?
Yes. As you can see in the poll above, some women have reported that they think fenugreek actually decreased their milk supply.
There is always risk when taking supplements. Because of this, I would recommend trying other methods of increasing supply first.
How do I get it, and how many fenugreek capsules should I take? What is the correct fenugreek dosage?
You can order it online from amazon or Puritan’s Pride or any number of places. You can also find it in the vitamin section of some grocery stores.
Most capsules come in 610mg doses. Generally, lactation consultants recommend starting with taking 2 capsules 3 times per day with food (for a total of six capsules per day).
If you don’t have any side effects at this amount (see below) and you don’t smell like maple syrup, you can gradually increase the dosage up to 4 capsules, 3 times per day. More information on dosage is available here.
What are you talking about with the maple syrup?
Smelling like maple syrup is how you know that it’s working. Your sweat and urine will smell like you went on a pancake bender. Your baby might begin to smell that way as well.
If you don’t smell like maple syrup, in most cases the fenugreek won’t do anything for you. That means that if you take 6 610mg capsules per day (2 capsules 3 times per day), but you need 9 (3 capsules 3 times per day), you won’t smell like maple syrup and nothing will happen. There is no incremental benefit from the 6 capsules you did take – you have to get the dose all the way to where it needs to be to get results.
How long does it take for fenugreek to increase milk supply?
If fenugreek works for you, you should see an increase in your pumping output in 24-72 hours.
Do I need to keep taking fenugreek and smelling like maple syrup forever? When can I stop taking fenugreek?
No, you can stop taking fenugreek once your milk supply has increased and leveled out (meaning it’s gone up but then plateaued).
However, to maintain your newly increased milk supply, you do need to keep removing this amount of breast milk from your breasts (via your breast pump). As long as you stick to your pumping schedule, you should be okay.
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What are the side effects of fenugreek?
In addition to smelling like maple syrup, you may experience loose stools or hypoglycemia.
Is fenugreek safe?
As always, talk to your doctor about any concerns you have. A few other things to consider:
- You should use it with your OB’s supervision if you are diabetic, because it can lower your blood glucose levels.
- If you have a peanut or chickpea allergy, you should avoid fenugreek.
- If you have asthma, discuss use with your doctor, as there have been reports that fenugreek has worsened the symptoms of mothers with asthma.
- If you have hypothyroidism, talk to your doctor before using fenugreek.
Also, as noted before, some women have noted that their supply has actually decreased while using fenugreek.
Does fenugreek have side effects for the breastfeeding baby?
Most of the time, no, though sometimes your baby might also smell like maple syrup.
Some moms have noticed that their babies became fussy after they started taking fenugreek. If you notice this, it’s worth stopping and seeing if it was maybe causing an upset stomach for your baby.
I’m pregnant again but I’m still nursing my baby and my supply tanked. Can I take fenugreek?
No. Fenugreek is not safe for pregnant women because it can cause uterine contractions.
- Bonyata, Kelly, IBCLC. “Fenugreek Seed for Increasing Milk Supply.” https://kellymom.com/bf/can-i-breastfeed/herbs/fenugreek/
- Lacasse, P. “The dopamine antagonist domperidone increases prolactin concentration and enhances milk production.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26298751
- Sim TF, Hattingh HL, Sherriff J, Tee LB. “The Use, Perceived Effectiveness and Safety of Herbal Galactagogues During Breastfeeding: A Qualitative Study.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4586661/
Comments & Chitchat
Monica La Rose says
So I’ve been taking Fenugreek for about a week now. Initially I saw no impact on production; this post made me realize I need to up the dose because I wasn’t smelling like maple syrup. I’ve done this for a couple days now and think it’s working. Unfortunately, I’ve also begun to strongly suspect it’s making our baby boy fussy. He’s been extra fussy this week same week I started Fenugreek. Upped the dose a couple days ago and its gotten worse – crying with most feedings today and his stools looser. I’m thinking I will stop the Fenugreek but am quite bummed bc today is the first day I have seen results. It occurred to me that maybe I could still take it short term just to increase my supply but not feed it to him? Would that work? Bc I could still get increased production and then stop? Or I could supolement feedings while on it with an antigas like Little Remedies but I am feeling unsure if thats a good idea.
Amanda Glenn, CLC says
Hi Monica! You don’t have to take fenugreek forever, you can reduce and then stop it and hopefully keep the increased supply – so taking it short-term is fine. 🙂
Catie says
I have restarted work, is it better to pump more short sessions a day (15-20) minutes . Or maintain the rigid schedule? My schedule have flexibility that makes it easier to squeeze in multiple 20 min sessions but 30 minutes plus clean up.
Amanda Glenn, CLC says
Hi Catie! I would do whatever is easiest for you!
Sri says
Hi there , I started using fenugreek capsules 3 per day since 1 month , I have a 6 month old baby and wanted to
Increase my supply . I have started to have acne all over my face after 10 days of starting the capsules. I never had acne in last 10 years and don’t use any make up products . Do you know if this could be because of too much fenugreek?
Amanda Glenn, CLC says
Hi Sri, I’ve never heard that, but it might be a good idea to discontinue it and see if it resolves. I’m not a doctor though so you might want to check with yours. Best of luck!
Lily says
Hi! Interested to see if you figured out whether or not it was the fenugreek. I also have never had acne issues, not even during puberty, and I suddenly broke out all over my face and haven’t been able to get rid of it.
Jessy says
Im 8 weeks pp. And have to supplement. I’m lucky to get an oz a session. I been using nursing moms tea and lactation cookies. And oatmeal of course. Power pumping. And nursing is actually the only thing that has actually increased my supply. But I am suppose to be mixing my bm with formula for babys weight. Its just a lot to feed bottle then nurse then pump. I get zero sleep. So I added fenugreek yesterday. Even if i exclusovly pump at least 7 to 10x a day. And power pumping 2 or 3x a day. I am lucky to get 2oz first thing in the morning when I have gone 4 to 6 hours without pumping. And it takes me ab hour to get about an oz a session. It is so exhausting. I really hope this helps. With my first child i meber had a problem and the first week of this baby i was oumping 4 oz a session on day 3 at least. And it just dropped out if nowhere. Please sending good. Vibes and prayers
Amanda Glenn says
Good luck Jessy! I hope it helps! 💜
Alicia says
Don’t give up Jessy! It may take some time but you will get there, and don’t forget how important sleep is as well! Your such a good mama for working so hard. I know it’s exhausting, I’ve been exclusively pumping for 10.5 months now, but I’ve gotten into a routine that works for me (even if I have to supplement with formula for some feedings, I’ve accepted that there’s nothing wrong with that). Just remember that if it’s just becoming too much/stressful to continue to pump/bf/increase milk supply all at the same time that there is nothing wrong with deciding to just do formula. Your baby needs a happy mama first and foremost! I will keep you in my prayers. Good luck and I hope you get to a good place with milk supply and routine.
Urvisha says
It’s working…I was using fenugreek with satavari powder 3 times in a day. And i found boost in milk supply with in 5 days.
Thanks for sharing this information…:)
Alicia says
From the beginning I had great colostrum, and I worked really hard with many LC’s to get my baby to latch. She had a tongue the which made it really hard for her. We got it fix but she still wouldn’t latch on. She’s 15 weeks and I’m exclusively pumping. About 2 weeks ago I had a period (I thought) but only lasted about 24 hours. Since then my milk supply has dropped. I just started to take the fenugreek (6 pills/day) yesterday and I already smell like maple syrup. I’m also power pumping. I think my milk is increasing but will need a few more days to know for sure. I saw on here that once my supply is increased I should stop taking the fenugreek? Is that true? Should I also stop with the power pumping?… and if so when do I know it’s time to stop?… If I continue with the fenugreek and power pumping Will my milk supply just keep on getting better or is there a kind of cut off point? I’m doing my best to give my baby BM for a full year but not being able to nurse makes it extremely difficult. I’m willing to do anything I can. Any advice I can get is greatly appreciated and if there’s something more I can be doing please let me know. Thank you so much… this article has given me some light at the end of the very long tunnel!
Amanda Glenn says
Hi Alicia! Yay, so excited to hear that the fenugreek and power pumping seem to be going well. You can stop taking the fenugreek once you see a supply increase. Some people like to wean off, but I’m not sure that’s necessary. I found there is a point where you’ve gotten all of the benefit that you’re going to see (versus supply just keeping on increasing). You can keep power pumping if you want to but you don’t have to. What you just want to make sure to do is stick to your pumping schedule – as long as you keep removing the “extra” milk from your breasts, you should keep on making it. Good luck!
Jessica says
Well I can’t get my hands on domperidone but I have a whole script plus refills of Reglan. I read on here somewhere that Reglan and Domperidone have the same effects pretty much. I’ve been taking it for 3 days(today is day3) & so far I’ve seen a 1/2oz difference. Little by little it looks like my supply might be increasing!!! I’ll keep you posted on how the Reglan is doing. Thanks for all your advice & tips!!
Amanda Glenn says
Awesome! Good luck! 🙂
Jessica says
Hi Amanda!
Seems like everything I’ve tried to increase my milk supply has not worked for me. I’m super sad about this but I guess I’m just not as full as I was with my first child. It seems that everyday my supply gets less and less. The nursing tea is good and I enjoy the flavor, but it doesn’t seem to be increasing my supply at all. At this point I don’t know what to do. I just know I really don’t want to give up yet, I want to keep trying different tricks jf you have anymore ideas! Thanks!
Amanda Glenn says
If nothing seems to be working, domperidone might be worth considering? It’s difficult but not impossible to get in the US. I’ll put a link with more info below. Sorry you are dealing with this!
Jessica Burkhart says
How long does it usually take to notice and increase with the healthy nursing tea? Anyone can give me that answer if they want. I’m just new to all this. I didn’t have any trouble BF my first born.
Jessica L Burkhart says
Hi Amanda! I did try fenugreek for a little over a week and was taking 4 pills 3x day & nothing was changing. I didn’t even smell like maple syrup at all. I’m hoping the nursing tea will do that trick BC I’m still producing but it’s only 1oz from both sides. If the tea doesn’t work for me then I guess that means it just wasn’t meant to be. Thanks for all your feedback!!
Amanda Glenn says
Good luck Jessica! Lots of hugs to you!!
Jessica Burkhart says
Hi Amanda!! So I’ve tried this power pumping for about a week now & I usually do once a day at night. Over the last few days it seem as though my supply is actually decreasing instead of increasing. It’s been 3wks since delivery and I’m not sure if I’m getting my period back already or not bc I stopped bleeding for a week and then now it started up again. My triplets were stillborn at 21wks & I’m working on donating my milk to preemies that need it in NICU’s at all hospitals. I need to get my supply back up so I can continue to donate. If I can’t do it for my babies, I feel the need to do it for other babies in need.
Amanda Glenn says
Hi Jessica! I’m so sorry for your losses. You are amazing to be pumping for other babies!!!!
I had that sort of happen – I got a “period” at six weeks but then I didn’t get anything again for 9 months. So weird!
Sorry that power pumping isn’t helping. Were you thinking of trying fenugreek at all?
Jessica Burkhart says
Hi Amanda! Thanks for the info on everything! I’ve just recently went up to 4 3x a day & I started the power pumping today. I’ll do it again tmrw around the same time. I read online that it’s best to do it around the same time everyday. Unless you think otherwise, please let me know! Hopefully all this will work and my supply will increase. I never had this problem with my first baby. I actually had more than enough the first time around and I didn’t try to increase anything. Was hoping for the same this time but it’s obviously not the same with every baby. Any more tips you may have please feel free to let me know! Thanks again!😊
Amanda Glenn says
That sounds like a good plan – good luck!!!! 🙂
Jessica Burkhart says
What do you mean by power pumping? I’ve increased the fenugreek to 3 3x a day & I still don’t smell like maple syrup and my supply is still the same, 2-3oz from both breasts. I’d really like my supply to increase. I’m using a double pump by Evenflo and I can change the speed and suction strength on it. Is this a good pump to use?
Amanda Glenn says
Hi! Power pumping just means pumping on and off for about an hour – here is more info:
According to kellymom you could go up to 4 capsules 3 times a day if you wanted?
Jessica says
Hello! I just started taking fenugreek last night. I plan to take 2 pills, 3x day. It’s been 2wks and the most I’ve ever pumped from both breasts is 4oz. I’m strictly pumping at the moment. Baby having trouble latching (just like my first one). I had no trouble with my first child as I do now with this 2nd one. I also bought Milk Thistle but I read you shouldn’t take it with fenugreek, is that true? Is there any other tricks I can try while waiting to see if the fenugreek works for me? Thank!
Amanda Glenn says
Hi Jessica! That sounds like a good plan! I would just see if you smell like maple syrup in a few days and if not, consider increasing to 3×3. I have never heard about that with milk thistle but I know it’s okay with blessed thistle.
I would also try oatmeal and power pumping – those anyone can do anytime! Good luck!
Isabel says
I m taking fenugreek really help.
I did not know about smelling…So if I smell like maple syrup I should reduce the dosage?
I was taking just 3 pills once a day.
Now I bought just fenugreek (no combination of herbs must be just it) In my personal opinion to get results.
I increase the dosage each pills is500mg so I’m taking 3 ,3 times a day 4500mg in total …and I see results however I will one pill more to get 5000mg and see how it goes
Thank you very much for answering and take your time as well for reading
Amanda Glenn says
No, if you smell like maple syrup the dosage is good! Sounds like you have a good plan!
Tisha says
Is there any particular brand of the fenugreek that works best? What about milk thistle?
Amanda Glenn says
Hi Tisha! I personally have always used Nature’s Way and have had a good experience. I’ve heard good things about UpSpring too!
Neetu says
Hi I am struggling with low breastmilk supply, some time it’s liking and next day it looks like no milk,i am taking fenugreek seeds about 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, if some one can help me with this and let me know what to do to increase the supply..thanks
Amanda Glenn says
Hi Neetu! I don’t know about the dosage except in capsules. Do you smell like maple syrup at all?
April Beard says
Hi Amanda, I’ve been at that dosage for about 4 days.
For the oatmeal would you get the lactation cookies that contain it? Or just do regular straight oatmeal that you eat for breakfast?
Amanda Glenn says
Hi! Okay, that’s the max dose, so I would stay there for a few more days and see what happens. I think whichever you prefer is fine – lactation cookies or plain oatmeal. I just ate oatmeal and got good results.
April says
I’m exclusively pumping 7 times a day for 20-25 min and I just can’t break the 20 oz a day barrier. My son is 7 weeks old. I’ve tried.
Massaging my breasts while pumping. I’ve been taking fenugreek for about a week gradually increasing the dosage to the 4 capsules 3 times and I don’t smell like maple syrup at all or see an increase in milk supply. Should I keep taking it? Are there other things I can try to do or take to help my milk supply?
Amanda Glenn says
Hi April! How long have you been at that dosage? In the meantime, I would try eating oatmeal and see if you can get a boost that way.
Marissa says
Well i actually just started taking two a day a few days ago, i was taking one a day about a month or so ago but stopped because i was cautious but i will try two a day and see if that helps
Amanda Glenn says
Hi! I think you might need a higher dose than that to see results (please note that I’m not a doctor or medical professional). See kellymom on suggested dosage:
Marissa says
I have tried mothers milk, fenugreek, lactation cookies. Pumping and i still cant get an increase, im looking to have milk stored as well but with the way my boy eats theres not really any time for much pumping. His pediatrician says hes only 13% of his weight but if he eats at one breast stops then the other and stops im guessing hes finished eating. I cant force my baby to supplement with formula, as the pediatrician wants because he has a hard time with bottles being exclusively breastfed i just want to be able to supply him with more milk
Amanda Glenn says
What dose of fenugreek have you been taking and for how long?
Marissa says
My baby is 4 months and i would like help to increase my milk supply if possible. Please any tips would help, thanks in advance
Amanda Glenn says
Hi Marissa – what have you tried so far?
Nikki says
I have a preemie in NICU , we’ve got another few weeks of 100% NG feeds . She’s exclusively on my EBM , I get around 14-15oz a day . I want to increase that so I’m ready for her breastfeeding soon & Also to up my freezer supply . Just took my second dose of fenugreek capsules . I’ll update in a few days !! Zxxx.
kelsey says
So my daughter’s 7 mo. Andi haven’t had breast milk since she was a newborn. I’ve been pumping several times a day trying to relactate, and I’ve also been taking 1 capsule of milk thistle a day. It’s been like 4 days. Today I just bought some fenugreek. How much and how often should I take it? A d when should I expect some milk?
Amanda Glenn says
Hi! I would start with 2 capsules 3 times a day and see if you start to smell like maple syrup. Also, I am not an expert in relactation, so you might want to talk to and LC and see if she would recommend domperidone or not. Good luck!
Lakesha says
I have been drinking the tea and the lactation juice. I did not smell like maple syrup. I just bought the Fenugreek powder, but I am unsure if I continue with the tea and just add the powder or should I just start taking the powder to see if this increases my milk supply?
Amanda Glenn says
Hi! What is the dose of the powder? Can you reply with a link?
Lakesha says
It does not say on the package. I have the 24 Mantra Organic Fenugreek Powder. I purchased it on Amazon. I am unable to reply with a link.
Amanda Glenn says
I can’t tell what the dosage is on that either. It looks like its seeds instead of powder? In any case, you want to aim for 2 610mg 3 times a day to start. I can’t figure out what that would be in the powder you have – I’m sorry!
Lakesha says
Thank you for trying helping me. I really appreciate you looking into that for me. I am going to order the capsules.
Erikka says
I just started taking Fenugreek last night. When should you start to smell like maple syrup, or how long should I wait before upping the dose?
Amanda Glenn says
I would say 2-3 days?
Syeda aisha says
Can I use fenugreek with out doc consultation, my second baby is just 45 days old
Amanda Glenn says
It’s available over the counter. However, you should definitely ask your doctor about any concerns you have.
Angela Cameron says
Healthy nursing tea. I have a very low supply too. Without this tea, I couldn’t BF. you can get it at walmart or amazon. Take 3, 3 times a day. It’ll take a couple days to notice but your increase will be drastic. I drink it daily 🙂 safe for both you and baby:) it says right on the label it’s used for the help of lactation !!
Criselda says
Do you have a pic of which brand so I can also try it
Marie says
I took fennel tincture and it mostly helped me with my letdown and not my milk supply. For what I know you should discontinue the use of fennel after 10 days of use, take a break and start again. Fennel is also known to ease baby’s colic
You can try it. My midwife recommanded it originally to boost my supply, so it might work for you better than it did for me.
As for fenugreek, at the hospital they recommanded me to take 3 pills 3 times a day with blessed thistle also 3 pills 3 times a day but I hate pills so after 3 days I stopped and i didn’t see any changes (I wasn’t smelling like maple syrup though)
I’ve ordered fenugreek tincture and I’ll take it religiously. Hopefully I’ll see an improvement in my milk supply! My LO is 3 months and I have to use my freezer stash now because my milk supply decreased a lot! I pump after every feeding, I try not to go more than 3 hours without pumping, I nurse whenever LO is hungry but I end up giving him a bottle of expressed milk because he’s so fussy at the breast (I’ve tried nursing teas, lactation cookies, goat rue, malt beverage, oatmeal everyday etc) but I barely get now 2oz from both breath! Fenugreek is my last hope.
Good luck to all the breastfeeding mothers
Carolyn says
Hi, my LO is 10 weeks old and i am pumping about 5-6 times per day. I was getting at least 4 oz. at each pumping session if not more, but I have seen a decrease in my supply over the past week or so. I have not changed anything as far as my pumping goes and baby even nurses for several minutes 3-4 times per day. My LO is starting to eat more and never seems to be satisfied. She eat about 4 oz. every 2 hours or so and with this recent decrease in supply I can’t keep up. I was thinking about trying fenugreek, but am hesitant because I have heard it can cause gas with me and/or my baby. Does fennel tincture work as well?
Amanda Glenn says
Hi Carolyn! I have never tried fennel tincture but you can definitely give a shot! I had no issues with fenugreek but I know some people do. You could always start with a really low dose and see what happens, and then increase it if you don’t see any gas issues?
Neha says
Can I take fenugreek seeds directly, instead of taking the capsules. How and what quantity of the seeds can be taken per day.
Amanda Glenn says
I think you can try this, but I am not sure about the dosage. I guess you could start small and try increasing it until you smell like maple syrup? Let me know if you find out a better answer than this!
Tanjina says
And I don’t have double electric pump.. I have Phillips avent comfort electric pump.. I pump 6/7 times day.. I am taking fenugreek 3, 3 times a day.. Still no change.. Getting depressed day by day
Amanda Glenn says
Do you smell like maple syrup at all?
Cass_mamaof2 says
Have you tried massaging your breast starting under your armpit and near your shoulder(there are milk duct glands I’m these areas believe it or not), and massaging down to the nipple, in small circular motions, and hand expressing a little before pumping? I find that this helps me. It gets your breast to let down the milk. Also, taking a warm shower and massaging and hand expressing under the warm stream helps with let down.
I have been doing these things for about 2 weeks, and my production has gone up from 2oz total from both breasts to 4-6oz from both breast, each time I pump.
Julianne says
I’m currently taking 4 capsules 3 times a day and I still don’t smell like maple syrup.. It’s been over a week and there is no change in my milk supply
M says
How many times should you exclusively pump? how long should each pump session last? how many oz should you expect from the pump session? -Mum trying to increase milk supply.
Amanda Glenn says
Hi there – check this out, hopefully it will answer your questions!