Some women don’t get their periods back until they wean, but others end up both menstruating and breastfeeding for a time. Here’s what you need to know about having your period while breastfeeding – when it might come, how it may affect your milk supply, and what to expect.
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What might cause my period to come back earlier or later?
What factors play into when you get your period back?
Here are the big ones.
Length of time between lactation sessions
Longer breaks between lactation sessions (either nursing or pumping) may result in an earlier return to menstruation.
Because of this, it’s not uncommon for new moms to get their period back when their baby stops waking up at night, or when they drop their middle of the night pumping session.
Physical contact with your baby
More physical contact with baby (time spent holding, wearing, or snuggling your baby) may result in a delay in menstruation.
Nipple stimulation separate from lactation
This basically means your baby essentially “using you as a pacifier”/you choosing to comfort nurse; this may also cause a delay in menstruation.
Hormones can make a difference in ways we don’t fully understand.
Women’s bodies react differently to lactation and the postpartum period in general – while one woman might nurse or pump twice a day for a year and not get her period until she weans, another might do the same every two hours and gets hers at two months postpartum.
Will anything happen to my milk supply when I have my period?
Many women see a temporary supply dip when they have their periods, where their supply goes down by a few ounces when their period starts and then rebounds when it ends.
Other women don’t have a supply dip at all.
I experienced a progressive supply dip that looked like this:
- Within a few days of my period, my supply would drop about 5 oz
- My period would end and my supply would recover by 3 oz, for a permanent net loss of about 2 oz
- Repeat each month for a gradual decline of 2 oz per month
If you find that your supply is impacted by your period, here’s more information about what you can try when your period affects your milk supply.
Are irregular periods while breastfeeding normal?
Once your period comes back, it could come regularly, or you could get one period and then nothing for months. Instead of a regular schedule, you may constantly miss periods while breastfeeding and get it somewhat randomly.
In addition, your periods might be very long or super short compared to how they used to be; they could also be heavier or lighter than you’re used to.
Obviously, if you have any concerns about your period, see your OB/GYN.
Why is my baby fussy when I’m menstruating?
This could be happening for a few reasons.
1. There might be less milk
As noted above, your milk supply could be lower than normal, and your baby could be frustrated that she isn’t getting as much milk as she would like.
Here are some ideas if you think this might be the case.
2. The taste might be different
Your period might also slightly change the taste of your breast milk.
It’s still totally fine for baby to eat – it doesn’t make the breast milk sour or bad or anything. He just might not like way it tastes quite as much (or he might like it more)!
Do I have to worry about getting pregnant while breastfeeding before I get my period back?
Yes. Even if you haven’t gotten your period back yet, you are exclusively breastfeeding, and your baby is less than 6 months old, it’s possible that you might get pregnant. If all three things are true, it’s unlikely, but it’s still possible.
If you definitely want to avoid pregnancy, you should take the appropriate precautions.
It’s possible to get pregnant before you get your period back, because ovulation occurs about two weeks before your period.
Make sure that if you take hormonal birth control that you confirm with your doctor that it won’t cause issues for your milk supply.
Generally speaking, you want to avoid birth control methods that contain estrogen while lactating because of the possible effect on milk supply.
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When do exclusive pumpers usually get their periods back?
So how long does it take to get your period after having a baby when you’re breastfeeding?
To find out when exclusive pumpers tend to get their periods back, I did a quick (obviously unscientific) survey of my email subscribers. In looking at the graph below, it’s obvious that there is no clear answer to the question “when do women who exclusively pump get their periods back”:
How I got my period while breastfeeding
When I was six weeks postpartum with my first baby, I went to the bathroom and noticed a great deal of bright red bleeding. The bleeding that I’d had after giving birth had tapered off significantly, and I was surprised and a little worried.
So I did what no one should ever do – I googled my symptoms. “Bright red bleeding six weeks postpartum” found me some helpful links, most of which indicated that I was probably hemorrhaging and should seek medical care.
Luckily, I happened to have my six week checkup that morning. However, I was concerned that if something was really wrong with me, and I’d have to be admitted to the hospital, who would take care of the baby? So I told my husband he had to take off work and come with me.
(So I don’t sound crazy, I will note that both myself and my baby had each been unexpectedly admitted to the hospital in the past six weeks after his birth.)
When I got to the exam room, I hurriedly told my doctor all about the bleeding.
“I think you have your period,” she said.
So. I made my husband take a day off of work to take me to the doctor because I had my period.
After that period, I didn’t get another one until nine months postpartum – so my experience with breastfeeding was my period started then stopped. I’m not really sure why or what happened.
At nine months, I started getting periods regularly. At first, I thought this probably had something to do with adjustments that I’d made to my pumping schedule. However, looking back, I got my period back at nine months with my second and third babies, too, and I nursed them – so it’s possible that my schedule didn’t have anything to do with it.
What has your experience getting your period while breastfeeding been?
- Condon, Susan. “When can nursing mothers expect to get their period?”
- Bonyata, Kelly, IBCLC. “Breastfeeding and Fertility.”
- Bonyata, Kelly, IBCLC. “Birth Control and Breastfeeding.”
- Flores, Becky, IBCLC. “Menstruation while Breastfeeding: Do I Have my Period?”
- Valdes, V. “The efficacy of the lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) among working women.”
Comments & Chitchat
Marissa Khosh | says
This is a very interesting article. I am primarily a breastfeeding mom, although I have a little experience pumping as well. What I find so interesting (and frustrating!) is how our bodies respond to breastfeeding and/or pumping.
With my first daughter, I nursed around the clock roughly ever hour and a half for the first 19 months and did not have a cycle the entire time. When I day-weaned her at 19 months, my hormones went crazy until I finally had a normal period 9 months later.
This time around, with my second daughter, she nurses less often and I have had to stretch her between feeds at times for medical reasons. At around 8 months old, I stopped nursing her at night for about a week and I could feel the changes happening in my body. That was 5-6 months ago and still no period, but I have been having intermittent PMS symptoms like I had for 9 months before the return of my period after I had my first daughter.
I just wrote a post about PMS while nursing (, because this topic is definitely not discussed enough. I have gone through so much uncertainty about my hormones and my cycle while breastfeeding and I know that I am not alone in that.
Thank you for writing about this. I think we really need more info circulating about these types of issues.
Telissia Gray says
Hi Amanda, I’m so glad I’ve found you to share my concerns. So with my first I got my period at 5 weeks Postpartum but had nothing until I got a regular period by 8 months postpartum, my son was mixed fed with both formula and breastmilk until he was 15 months. With my second baby I got my period 5 weeks postpartum and had 4 short cycles only 2 weeks apart in the period of 2 months but have not yet had a period since then and I’m not pregnant. My daughter was only having breastmilk and ebm up until she was 13 months now and she is almost 14 months old and is fed breastmilk only twice in a 24 hour period and still I have no period. When do you think my period will return after dropping to two feeds only as we’re wanting to start trying for baby #3. Or do I have to drop another breastfeed and use a supplement for the other feed to help bring on my period. Would love to continue to breastfeed and get a period but am happy to stop around the 16 month mark if needs be or to drop to just one feed a day when she reaches 15 months. I hope this makes sense. Thank you for your time.
Amanda Glenn, CLC says
Hi Telissia! Congrats on your two sweet babies! This is so hard to say – honestly, the only way to find out is to try it. Maybe you could drop a sessions and give it a month and see what happens? And then wean if you’re wanting to try for #3? I wish I could give you a clear answer!!
Justine says
Hello, I’m Justine. My baby is two months turning 3 next tues and I just started my period. My last child I was just breastfeeding and didn’t get a period until 9 months and with this baby I was pumping in the beginning and now I just breastfeeding as I have a good stash of milk stored but was worried about getting my period so early. Makes me emotional like I did something wrong. But might be bcuz I haven’t been on my thyroid medication so my hormones are wayyyy off. Need help!
Amanda Glenn, CLC says
Hi Justine! You didn’t do anything wrong! Have you seen any supply drop? Here are some ideas that could help:
DaysWithJoyce says
Thanks for clarifying that you could get your period initially and have it stop again while nursing. I just got my period at 6 months post partum (after putting baby in infant care 3 weeks ago) and was wondering if it was possible to stop having periods if I nursed my baby more.
D says
I am 3 months post partum as my period is a few days late I am exclusively pumping 6 times a day every 4 hours as I produce A lot of milk about 40-44oz I had my period last month about 8 weeks pp may 7 but nothing this month so far I was having a pregnancy scare before reading this now I am kindve thinking it could be because of lactation
Ashley says
Loved the article!! Super informative and I feel more at ease now. I had my daughter last year in October. I’ve been exclusively pumping since the beginning. I had my first cycle at 8 months and then had another regular one. I’m supposed to have gotten another one according to my calendar. Nothing as of yet, and I am using a double method of birth control. So I took a pregnancy test to be sure and that was negative. I’m relieved that I found this as I found the answers I needed. Thank you 🙂
Thomas Phoenix says
My wife’s postpartum period went away for a full 4 years while feeding our twin daughters. It is a miracle of nature that is given to our family. Was my wife and I able to have sex without worrying about contraception or getting pregnant during this time? Makes me and my wife happier together every night. After my wife returned to menstruation after giving birth. Both of us immediately planned to get pregnant again. It is a natural method. Currently, my wife’s postpartum period is still irregular. Since we are still feeding our female twins at regular intervals every day. Both of them are now 5 years and 2 months old. We both hope to have new members in our home soon.
Amanda says
I got my period about 4 weeks postpartum with my son. Since then, I’ve never skipped a period and it’s always regular/on time. I was exclusively breastfeeding around the clock with him too and had a lot of skin to skin and bonding. I guess I just want to know why I got my period so soon especially when the average return of a period is about 6 months when nursing. I’m currently pregnant with baby #2 and plan to breastfeed him exclusively as well I’m curious to see how quickly my period comes back this time!
Charlene Gador says
Hello, Amanda. My name is Charlene, now at 12 weeks postpartum. I am exclusively breastfeeding, not using pacifiers. I’ve been worrying lately because at 9 weeks postpartum, i started spotting. It’s on and off and just very very lighf. Just like a very small stain in my undies or when i wipe with tissue.
I’m worried because with my first two children, my period resumed at 9mos and 11mos. And i didnt have spotting with them prior to getting my period.
And then today, i started having moderate flow. Just like my pre-pregnancy monthly period.
My OB said it could be my period returning. I had transvaginal scan 2 weeks ago and OB said she found nothing concerning. Ovaries and lining are nomal.
Did you have some spotting before you had your regular period at 4wks pp?
Anybody here with a similar case?
Thanks so much! Cant really help worrying.
Amanda Glenn, CLC says
Hi Charlene! Oh I’m so sorry that this is stressful for you! I did not have spotting – I still had lochia/postpartum bleeding at the time so I’m not really sure. I hope that this doesn’t affect your supply ❤️
Ana says
Hey Amanda am currently going through the same 5 weeks postpartum exclusive breastfeeding.and my period came on 2 days ago .I was worried at first . wondering y so early .but glad to see am not alone.and it does happen.cuz everyone told me when u breastfeeding only .it period won’t cum on until 6 months .so thank you for your post
Eseta says
I got my period back at 1 month PP with my first and only child. She was exclusively breastfed around the clock 24 hours a day for the first year. No water no pumping no formula. 41 months later she is still breastfeeding!!!!! And Ive never skipped a month of menstruating! My hormines must be so so so off. Im super unlucky. Im actually borderline anemic now as a result.
Carol T says
Amanda, thank you for these posts – they’ve been so helpful on my pumping journey. When you polled people about how quickly their period came back or even when you had conversations with other pumping moms, did anyone mention getting their period back and then it going away or a delayed period?
The reason I ask is because I’m 4.5 mo pp and I’ve had my period twice. My cycle is currently late by a week and I’ve taken a pregnancy test which showed negative. I’m certain that if I were pregnant, it would have been from sex 3 weeks ago. I’ll probably take another test in another week or so if nothing changes. Thanks in advanced!
Amanda Glenn says
Hi Carol! I had something similar happen – I got it at 6 weeks and then didn’t again for months. I think it’s pretty normal for cycles to be irregular when you’re lactating. Obviously, I would take another test in a week and talk to your doctor if you’re concerned, but this doesn’t seem super unusual to me!
Aguah says
Were you pregnant?
bekki says
Hi! I’m just curious. How long were you able to sustain exclusovely pumping after you had your period back? My baby’s only 3 months old and already got my period last month.
Amanda Glenn says
Hi Bekki! I got it back after 9 months and pumped until 14. I hope you are able to keep going as long as you’d like to! Some of these tips might help?
Maria says
14 months of nursing and pumping (although I stopped pumping at 12 months) and still no period! As much work as nursing is, I am loving not having a period.
Meredith says
haha, I’m actually on day 2 of my period right now!
When I was EPing, I was down to I think maybe 4 or 5 ppd when my period came back. (Which I blame on forgetting my no-estrogen birth control pill … started menstruating the next day!) I was so mad to not be able to make it to a solid 24 months period-free (since conception).
So it is possible for it to stay away long-term … I count myself as very lucky!
Alyssa says
Thank you so much for this article.
My doctor told me the same thing about how you are going get your period after a month or two and you will not keep up with your baby’s demands if you hand express feed only. Well, it has been 7 months and I started my period for the first time since giving birth yesterday and I managed to keep up baby’s demand. (Now that she is on solid food that helps a lot lol) I pump for 30 minutes every 5 hours. This style of feeding has been wonderful for our family and it works out great for my job.
Alexandria Young says
Hi there!
So happy to see an article on exclusively pumping breastfeeding! I exclusively pumped for my 2 year old and got my period back right away but I was only pumping 15-20 minuted every hour and a half. My 2nd child is 3 months, exclusively pumped breastmilk but, this time I pump between 30-40 minutes every 3-4 hours and am back at work. Had spotting last month and nothing this month but cramping and hot flashes. Got negative reads on pregnancy tests so it could be a mix of extended lengths of pumping mixed with holding baby more due to not seeong her at work and work stress as they added on my work load since I came back.
Brewer’s yeast is a huge help for increasing supply! It’s the same ingredient that makes beer help with lactation only without the alcohol. 😉 I mix it with blended old-fashioned or steel cut oats, peanut butter, apple sauce/bananas, and chocolate chips for lactation cookies! Happy breastfeeding!
Alexandria Young says
My body had a change of heart and started today. So, I’m definitely in the first 3 month period retrieval/back-to-work group. 🙂
Wantanotherbaby says
I’m 7 months PP tomorrow with my third child and have been exclusive pumping since between 3 and 4 months due to lots of eating/allergy issues. I still haven’t gotten my period and I would like to get pregnant. My first are twins and I wanted another baby close in age to my third. I pump 5x a day and haven’t pumped during the night for many months. Should I drop a pumping session?
Amanda Glenn says
Hi! I definitely think it would help to drop a session. Good luck!
Yam Balayo says
Im almost 4 months pp now, after 1 month i think i got my period but it only lasted for a few days i think it was just leftover blood from the uterus, is that possible? after birth you bleed then stop for 1 week then bleed (like normal period but only for a few days) then until now no bleeding happened and i have a negative result on the pregnancy kit. so i shouldn’t worry right?
Amanda Glenn says
Yes, that happened to me too at 6 weeks pp. Then I didn’t get a period again until 9 months out.
Pam says
7 months PP, pumping 3x a day and supplementing formula. Still no period! I was wondering why I still don’t have it so I googled it (I google everything ?) . So I guess it’s just normal.
Millie says
I am 11 weeks postpartum tomorrow & think that I have my period. Like you mentioned in another post, I thought that removing milk from the breast would lead to a delayed return just like breastfeeding. However, I pump 5 times a day (down from 6) which is less frequently than she eats. I thought it would be more closely related to the amount of milk produced, and I’m still pumping in excess of 40 ounces per day, but I guess it is more closely related to the duration between pumps for me. My last pump of the day is at 10 PM and if my daughter has a long stretch of sleep I won’t pump until 6:00-6:30 in the morning (though it’s usually more like 4:30-5:00 AM). My pediatrician (also lactation consultant) cautioned against stretches of more than 6 hours between pumping because my period may return sooner, but I prioritized sleep instead. I’d still make that call 😉
I’m really wondering if this is going to be a semi-regular thing now…
Dahlia says
First let me say I do PE, I have a baby in the NICU for almost 6 weeks. We are working on breastfeeding so we try at least 3 to 4 times a day then I pump after. I actually got my period almost exactly a month after I gave birth. My period has lasted longer and seems heavier. Is this normal, any thoughts?
Amanda Glenn says
It can definitely happen! My period definitely changed after I gave birth (longer/heavier). The worst! I did end up getting a Mirena eventually which helped. Just a thought.
KRS says
My little girl is in the NICU and I am exclusively pumping. I pump 4-6 times a day and I am trying to increase my supply with lactation cookies. I am only 1 month post part I’m and I think I just started my period….. I thought at first it was more postpartum bleeding but I started cramping and was really fatigued, which are my usual period symptoms. I’m also diabetic and have PCOS and I take metformin, which helps balance my hormones which I turn makes my periods regulated. I’m really bummed to have started my period already!!!! When I’m able to breastfed my baby will my periods stop? I hope so!
Amanda Glenn says
Hi! It might but it might not. 🙁 Actually I had one period at 6 weeks and then didn’t get another until 9 months. Hopefully that will be the case for you, but it’s impossible to predict for sure. Good luck!
Mrs. Colón says
I just noticed that I am spotting, but it looks like old blood, I am 2 months pp.. I have no choice but to pump since my little girl is in the NICU. I pump 3 to 5 times a day. I am supposed to do it every 2 to 3 hours, but it’s really hard doing so with a 2 year old getting into everything and being a heavy sleeper! I did however have my tubes tied during the c-section. I feel sluggish and a little crampy, but definitely not like I did before my baby was conceived. I do not produce much breast milk, but since mixing my prenatal vitamin and folic acid with fenugreek, I have seen a decent increase in my supply. Sadly it’s still only between 1/2 to 1 ounce out of both breasts together… occasionally I pump 2 ounces… problem is that I have diabetes, so that’s my answer to low supply. I hate having a period, but our bodies choose what they want to do lol.
Cindy says
Sometimes I feel like I’m going to have my Period( feel little cramp) but it’s not coming .
I also hope so too!
Cindy Broussard says
First , I got my period when my baby is 6 months and has been getting my period regularly ever since. starting last month January my period stopped ,and this month ,February I still haven’t got my period back. I thought I was pregnant but I tested negative. I admit I did nurse my baby excessively especially at night . Now I stopped nursing her completely at night and I still nurse her 3-4 times during the day. I don’t want to completely wean her. However, sometimes I feel like my period is coming ( feeling cramp) but it didn’t happen. Wondering will I get my period soon ? Also , I want to get pregnant again , but without having my period, I thinks it’s harder for me to get pregnant. If I stopped nursing her at night and only nurse her 2-3 times during the day and only pump once in the morning, is it possible for me to get my period back or get pregnant?
Amanda Glenn says
I think if you stop nursing at night you would probably get it back – that (not lactating overnight) has always been the trigger for me. Good luck!
Marie says
Great article. I am 8 months postpartum and just got my first period. I am currently pumping once a day (morning) and breastfeeding the rest of the day. Baby is on solid foods and is currently refusing to nurse due to teething, I have endometriosis and loving the benefits of no period. I am wondering if I increase to 3 pumping sessions and continue to breastfeed as much as baby will allow, can I get my period to stop and go back to a lactating amenorrhea state?
Amanda Glenn says
It is definitely worth a shot! Everything is so dependent on your particular body, so no guarantee it will work, but definitely worth trying. Good luck!
Lil says
I BARELY pump anything. I have always had very low supply and have always had to supplement. Because of low supply and numerous other issues, my baby refused to nurse after 4 months. I tried everything you can imagine to get my supply up, but the most I was ever able to get while exclusively pumping was 15-20 oz per day. I am now 8 months postpartum and pump 4 times per day, but I only get about an ounce each time I pump. Baby is almost exclusively formula fed at this point. I still have not had my period. I’ve had multiple negative pregnancy tests, and I have no pregnancy symptoms. Before getting pregnant, I had very difficult periods due to endometriosis, but my periods were very regular. Does pumping have the same affect on hormone levels, even if you aren’t producing anything? I’m starting to worry…..
Amanda Glenn says
I would say it’s possible it’s still affecting your hormones. A lot of women don’t get their periods back until they wean completely. If you haven’t gotten it back three months after you wean, I would go see a doctor to confirm everything’s okay. But I think it’s too soon to worry. 🙂 Disclaimer: not a doctor!
Jamie says
Thanks for the article. I’m 5 months pp and EP. I pump 4X a day. No period yet. I would have assumed I would of gotten it by now.
Debbie says
Thanks for the article. I am 3 months pp and I was wondering if I would get my period now. During the holidays it was difficult to stay on you normal pumping schedule. I normally pump 6x a day but I went down to 3x to 4x a day and my milk supply went down. Now things are settled down and I’m able to get back to normal. I really would like more time without it lol
Courtney says
Meant to say NOT getting in contact with our babies saliva
Courtney says
My doctor told me the reason is moms that EP get our periods back sooner is because we are getting in contact with the babies saliva like EBF moms are, but I’m 4.5 months pp and I pump 4x a day and still no period!
Sudha says
Thank you for your articles. It has helped me a lot. My baby is 5 month’s now, i exclusively pump as my baby doesnt latch and I just got my periods, I can feel the pain in my lower abdomen as well as I am sad that period is back
Kimberly says
Interesting… Based on everything I’ve read, I would have expected my period to be back by now. I was at two pumping sessions for a while, and I’ve been down to one pumping session per day for a few weeks now. My baby’s almost 11 months. Still no period yet.
Carmen says
I just got mine back at 7 1/2 months post partum. It may have something to do with not being as consistent on pumping due to a change in work schedule and weekend activities.
LT says
I also got my period back at 8 weeks. It lasted 10 days, twice as much as pre pregnancy….and now a week later seems to be starting again? Is this normal after pregnancy?
Amanda Glenn says
Ugh – that sounds awful! I would ask your OB just to double check that it’s your period and not anything to do with your uterus (like retained tissue). I think that’s unlikely but better safe than sorry right?
Shawna S says
I’m so happy that I found this! My dr had told me that as long as I pump I wouldn’t get my period. Well, behold! At 8 weeks postpartum my period has returned. I was definitely looking forward to having more time without it but it looks like I’m not that fortunate.
Stephanie B says
Thanks for the information! I was just thinking about this, as I am almost to 7 months. I am contemplating dropping down to three pumps now that my baby is on solids. No period yet! 🙂
The Extreme Pumper says
I hope you don’t get it back when you drop down to 3ppd! Good luck! 🙂
Vicki says
How did dropping to 3 pumps work out for you? And when you dropped to 3, how long did you pump each time….?