Wearable breast pumps can be so convenient and can make pumping so much easier. However, some users do notice that they have issues with their wearable pump leaking. Here’s what you can do if you experience this.

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Wearable pumping leaking tips and tricks
If you find that you’re leaking breast milk while using your wearable pump (such as a Willow or Elvie), here are four things that you can try.
1. Wear a tighter bra

Staying away from loose-fitting bras is my number one tip.
A really tight bra can help hold your pumps in place, which may prevent leaks.
2. Lean forward and stay upright while pumping
With most wearable pumps – the Willow 3.0 is an exception – you need to stay upright when pumping to avoid leaks.
Because of this, you can’t bend over. Instead, you’ll want to squat when you need to get something on the ground.
Leaning back too far can also lead to leaks.
Breast Pump Bags
3. Replace your pump parts
If you’re finding that your wearable pump is leaking frequently, try replacing your pump parts.
Pump parts can get microscopic tears and/or residue buildup over time that impact how well your breast pump works.
4. Cover any holes with your finger when removing wearable pumps

Many wearable pumps have a hole at the top. When you’re removing your pumps from your bra, lean forward very slightly and cover the hole with your finger before taking it out.
You may also want to use a breast shield for pouring the breast milk out of your wearable pump into a bottle.
Have you had issues with your wearable pump leaking? Share your tips and tricks in the comments!

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